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Cave à cigares, comment ça marche ?

Cigar cabinet, how does it work?

As a novice, you have probably heard of the expression " Cigar Cave " and you know that it plays a vital role in the conservation of your cigars. cigars .

But, do you know how it works ?

First of all, what is it for?

The first answer that comes to mind is simple: a cigar humidor is used to store cigars.

But in fact, it's much more than just a box!

In fact, a humidor acts as a microcosm, with its own atmosphere and environment to create an ideal environment for the preservation and storage of your cigars. Control

This is achieved through ultra-precise control of temperature and humidity level. from the inside of the box, which will ensure the proper preservation of your cigars.

Maintaining constant levels is important in order to preserve your cigars without over-humidifying or over-drying them.

If the gauge leans to one side or the other, the taste of the cigar will be negatively affected.

This is why it is important to carry out this temperature and humidity control, so that your cigars keep their delicious and unique taste.

The impact of humidity levels on your cigars.

Cigars are made of tobacco leaves. These will be affected by the relative humidity of the air around them.

Too dry , they will shrivel and their flavors and aromas will degrade. Even worse, a lack of moisture will cause them to burn too hot, making them difficult to smoke properly.

Too humid , the impact will be twofold. The cigars will naturally expand, and this excessive humidity level risks damaging your humidor: mold, rot or even infestation of Tobacco Beetles .

A cigar humidor, but with these accessories!

To maintain good storage conditions in your cellar, several components must be present:

  • A cellar made of Spanish Cedar wood
  • A humidifier
  • A hygrometer

  1.  Spanish Cedar

Most cigar boxes have a lining made of Spanish cedar wood. and this is no coincidence. Indeed, this wood has the particularity of being a natural humidity regulator thanks to its properties of absorption and slow release of humidity. It is one of the essential components for maintaining the appropriate humidity level inside the cigar humidor . Thus, if this level is too high, the cedar wood will absorb the excess humidity . In the opposite case, if the environment dries out, it will release humidity. In both cases, the objective is to maintain the right humidity balance for optimal storage of your cigars.

This is why it is very important to season your humidor before storing your cigars in it, otherwise the cedar will absorb the moisture from the cigars themselves.

This seasoning operation being important, we invite you to consult our dedicated article before any first use: " How to properly prepare a cigar cellar? "

2. The Humidifier , what is it?

This is the main accessory that is used to maintain humidity in the humidor. After being properly prepared, during the seasoning stage and then filled with cigars, the humidifier will be the humidity supplier main part of your cellar.

This is why you will need to check it regularly and fill it if necessary with demineralized water so that your cigars remain fleshy and burn slowly.

There are a wide variety of humidifiers:

  • Sponges: This is the “historical” and oldest humidification system. However, it requires more regular maintenance because it increases the risk of bacterial contamination. This is why it is essential to humidify it with distilled water or with a propylene glycol solution (50% distilled water/50% propylene glycol).
  • Floral foam: You've all seen it, these are the green foam blocks that are used to hold flower stems in bouquets. They have the particularity of retaining a lot of water and releasing it gradually. Be careful, they also absorb cigar aromas, which is why you'll need to replace it at least once a year.
  • Crystal Gel: Presented in the form of small pearls, this gel has been specially designed for the conservation of cigars. Capable of retaining up to 500 times its weight in water and pretreated with propylene glycol, this water will be released into the air of your cigar cellar in order to maintain the right humidity level. The preparation of the gel is easy, just soak it in distilled water to activate it (Act to be renewed every 2 to 4 weeks). Lifespan: between one and two years, after which it will need to be replaced.
  • Silica Beads: It is a product of everyday life that we do not even see anymore. These balls are the ones that we find in these small paper bags when we buy shoes, furniture ... Capable of retaining up to 40 times weight in water, they have properties similar to those of Spanish cedar wood. They can absorb but also reject humidity. Like all humidifiers, they are activated with distilled water and recharge every 2 to 4 weeks. Extra-long lifespan: between three and six years, after which they will have to be replaced.
  • Humidipak: This is the Nespresso capsule of the humidifier, ready to use, it comes in the form of a mixture of water and salt wrapped in a membrane with bidirectional action (rejection and absorption). Like coffee capsules, there is the possibility of choosing your package according to the humidity level.

Shelf life: 2 to 3 months.

  • Electronic humidifier: Technology is everywhere, even in this ancestral art that is cigar preservation. Sensory humidity sensor, triggering an electronic release, it is the must of the humidifier. It is necessary to recharge every month with distilled water. Theoretical lifespan: immortal.

Whichever version you choose, you will need to follow the instructions carefully so that you can correctly determine the times for refilling with distilled water, or for complete replacement.


3. What is the Hygrometer ?

This is the last essential element of any self-respecting cigar humidor. It complements the humidifier, since it is the one that will measure the humidity level . It is therefore the one that will worry you exactly when to refill the humidifier and thus maintain optimal humidity (between 65% and 75%).

There are two types of hygrometer:

  • Analog: it will take the appearance of a needle turning in a dial.
  • Digital : in a cellar equipped with an electronic humidifier, it will be connected to the hygrometer.

Some tips for a well-regulated cellar:

  • Be sure to check your hygrometer display regularly to ensure that the humidity in the air remains at the correct level (between 65% and 75%).
  • And to be sure that the rate is correct, calibrate your hygrometer from time to time, to maintain good precision of your instrument.

Now that you are an expert on cigar humidors, do not hesitate to get one from our large collection of Cigar Humidors .

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